Whether you have a short deadline or just don’t have the time to sit down and draft an entire essay, there are ways to write an essay quickly and easily. Here are a few tips for successful essay writing. You should always start your essay with a solid plan. Try to write the introduction first, and worry about introducing the main argument later. After lunch, you should already have cut out hundreds of words.
Whenever you set a time limit, it’s best to split your time into multiple chunks. Allot five to 10 minutes to plan, fifteen to twenty minutes to write, and five minutes to revise and edit. The power of planning is undeniable. Start with a decent outline, then review it to make sure you’ve written all the necessary material. If you’re not able to finish your essay in twenty minutes, you’ll likely have trouble getting your ideas across in that time frame.
Similarly, the conclusion should be short, with no unnecessary details. It should take around 20 minutes to finish, and it should contain the main arguments and the threads that connect it to the central idea or argument. You may want to include a hook and a few threads linking your hook to your central argument or idea. Students who are under time pressure sometimes rush to write an essay and neglect planning. Developing a well-organized outline will save you a lot of time, and help you finish your essay before the deadline!